Alexander Pozdeev: "Kolos is not yet physically ready for the high block"

Acting head coach of Kolos Oleksandr Pozdeev commented on the defeat from Dynamo (0:5) in the 27th round of the Ukrainian championship on the air of FootballHub.

Alexander Pozdeev (photo:

- Today is your debut as head coach. In fact, everything fell apart after the first conceded goal. What do you think, what fell apart first of all?

- The first half, in my opinion, was not bad. We had several good offensive outputs. In principle, there was pressure on us, but we managed to close the zone, we managed to run and block the shots.

I think now our physical condition does not allow us to play more aggressively, higher without the ball, and we just physically failed. "Dynamo" offers fast football, especially when there is space, that is what they got today. Plus such a goal in the first minutes of the second half from a ricochet - unnecessary, let's say. So I think that we just banal physical condition is a little bit inadequate to play more aggressively in such games.

- "Kolos" before this match had the best defence in UPL. Now you say, it was not enough physically. Is it somewhere at the end of the season fatigue started?

- I'm talking about "physically", when to go higher. I mean, if you play from a low block, that's one story. If we were trying to play a little higher - yeah, it really highlighted our problem areas. It really gave us a lot of food for thought. We are not physically ready for the high block yet.

- There was a lot of talk about your predecessor Yaroslav Vishnyak that he plays closed football. I understand that now the concept of "Kolos " is to change and play more attacking football? What are your football plans for this team?

- I have plans to play more aggressively, to play more with the ball, to attack. But in this football we need balance and good physical conditions. Because to switch to defence, to catch up - these are such elements that if you are not ready for them, you get the way it happened today.

- How was your week? Because we came to the UPL team. What was the most difficult? How did the team accepted you?

- The most difficult thing was that we had to familiarise ourselves in a short period of time with our physical condition, what we are capable of, how to build games. During this week we got acquainted, let's say.
