Oleg Fedorchuk: "I don't understand why Maksimov said this at all. Why scare people with his departure? If you want to leave, le

Famous Ukrainian coach Oleh Fedorchuk has spoken about the prospects of Dnipro-1 coach Yuriy Maksymov after his unexpected announcement. The 55-year-old said that he would resign if his team fails to beat Kryvbas in today's match of the 27th round of the Ukrainian championship.

Oleg Fedorchuk

- What is your prediction for the Dnipro-1 vs Kryvbas match?

- There are two teams playing that have different objectives. "Kryvbas is conditionally fighting for the second place in the league with Dynamo, while Dnipro-1 has no clear objectives due to financial difficulties.

The constant rumours that the leading players, Hutsulyak and Pikhalonok, may leave the team do not add to the optimism. This will definitely demotivate Dnipro-1. But this is a mini-derby, because the teams are from the same region, so the game will be emotional. My prediction is that the more motivated Kryvbas will win 2-1.

- Maksymov said that he would resign if Dnipro-1 did not win against Kryvbas.

- I don't understand why Maksymov said that at all. He probably sent a signal to Polissia that he was ready to return. His statement definitely does not motivate Dnipro-1 players. If the coach had been in charge of the team for seven years, like Kvartsyanyi, and said such a thing, it would be understandable. But this statement by Maksymov does not benefit him, the training, or the players. Why frighten with your departure? If you want to leave, leave! We are not a slave system.

Can't the players melt Maximov down? No, they can't. In all his teams, Maksymov had a very trusting relationship with the players. He has a clip, 12-13 players who always play. In such circumstances, the main squad values this status.

- Do you think Maksymov will really resign if Dnipro-1 fails to beat Kryvbas?

- If the coach has voiced the idea of a possible resignation, then he will definitely not work for long. And the defeat of Kryvbas is the least of the reasons for his dismissal. Why did Maksymov say that before the game with Kryvbas?

"Kryvbas is now a more solid, more balanced, more motivated team than Dnipro-1. Dnipro did not win against Minaya, who have lower salaries than some teams in the First League. Why didn't Maksymov leave after that match? That's the question.

That's why I don't understand who Maksymov's statement is aimed at. Maybe for the weak-minded?

- Where will Dnipro-1 and Kryvbas finish in the league?

"- Kryvbas will easily take third place, the gap from the pursuers is very large. And the prospects of Dnipro-1 are interconnected with the fate of its shadowy owner. Let's be honest: if the main investor is under investigation, it is very difficult to talk about development.

Do you remember what prospects the Carpathians had after the Dyminsky investigation? The First and Second Leagues. The same will happen to Dnipro-1 if the current owner doesn't change his or her status.

Who will take fourth place? I like Rukh better, but Polissia is more financially powerful. It's 50-50. I'll be on Rukh's side - they have a very good coach, strong youngsters, and a clear development perspective and project. And Polissia, first of all, needs to decide on a head coach, this is their main problem.

- Who do you think is stronger as a coach: Vernydub or Maksymov?

- I would prefer Vernydub, he is a more experienced specialist and achieves certain results in all teams. Maksymov is often let down by his emotionality. Maksymov has never been a manager, like Kvartsianyi, Lucescu and Vernydub. He has always been just a coach.

- If Maksymov leaves Dnipro-1, what is the next club he can lead in Ukraine?

- Is Maksymov a realistic option for Polissia? I think he's a backup. He was the sporting director in the sights of the future coach, but something went wrong. I assume that this swing of Maximov's at Dnipro-1 is connected with Polissia. Today, many ambitious coaches hope to get there.

Andrii Piskun

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  • Арчибальдо Алекс - Наставник
    06.05.2024 13:50
    Не всем повезло так, как Федорчуку: неоткуда уходить )
    • 3