Serhiy Stakhovsky: "We need as many of our players as possible to play abroad"

In an interview withRBC-Ukraine, former Ukrainian tennis player Serhiy Stakhovsky spoke about footballers who went abroad to play during the war.

Serhiy Stakhovsky (photo: V. Nosach)

- We all cheer when the national team plays and when they beat Iceland in the Euros. In order for this national team to have personnel that are up to the level of football in the world, we need as many of our players as possible to play abroad.

The more of them there are, the higher the quality of the players in the national team and, frankly, the higher the quality of football in Ukraine. If clubs see that they are bringing up quality players who stay in Europe, they understand that this is a certain model of introducing business, because any sport is a business. Ukrainian clubs will set goals, educate and sell, but during this time they will also create better football in Ukraine," Serhiy is sure.

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