Head coach of Khust: "What if the whole team that came to the match is packed up at the station and taken to the TCC?"

The head coach of the first-league Khust Volodymyr Tsytkin spoke about the situation with his team's player Mykola Syrach, who was taken away from the station by representatives of the TCC and is now out of contact.

Vladimir Tsitkin

"We have been out of touch with Mykola for three days now. According to preliminary data, he is in a military unit, but we do not know where exactly. The TCC did not explain anything to us, but simply, let's say, "played football".

In my opinion, it's not about the problems of our player or even the problems of our club, it's about the potential problems of the entire Ukrainian football.

I want to explain the position of our club. The point is not that we want a booking for an individual player or for individual players of one club. The issue here is different. If we take part in the PFL competitions, where there are about 40 clubs now, that means about 800 professional footballers who have contracts. So we just need to define the rules of the game.

We hold the championship only with the approval of the highest authorities in the country, because we get permission to do so, and we need to know what rules we are following so that we don't have such situations.

Because, for example, on Saturday we have our next league game, the opposing team from Chernihiv is coming to visit us, and what will happen if their entire team is packed up at the station and taken to the TCC? Or what will happen if, for example, we go to the match tomorrow and are taken off the train somewhere - and this is quite possible. What will happen tomorrow? What will happen to the teams of the Second and First leagues?

In Ukraine, five UPL teams are currently booked. What should we do next? This is a disruption of the championship, not to mention any sporting results.

That is, our club simply asked for the help of the PFL and UAF to tell us how they see it. You may not know if there has already been an official reaction from the UAF, but in my opinion, it's a shame because it's just a response. In two words, it can be summed up as a drowning man being saved by the drowning man himself. That is, do what you want, it's not our problem.

We need guarantees for the competitions. We're talking about professional clubs that pay quite serious fees. We want this precedent to be resolved not only in relation to our club and our player, but in relation to all of Ukrainian football, because tomorrow this precedent will be repeated, I am sure of it," Tsitkin said on Suspilne TV.

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  • Валерий Сикорский(VTS) - Наставник
    10.05.2024 16:23
    Хватит ныть. Вообще может и не быть всего украинского футбола, если многих начнут прикрывать броней или участием в какой-то из лиг. Да тяжело, но на кону страна и здесь не до соплей. О правомерности действий ТЦК пусть обращается в суд. Сейчас в законе все расписано. Но прикрываться футболом не надо. Израиль пример.
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