Sergei Savelii passed away

Sports journalist and commentator Serhiy Saveliy has died. This information was reported to Suspilne by the family of Sergiy Saveliy.

Sergey Saveliy

Saveliy was 68 years old and had been struggling with an illness for the past year. Details of the funeral will be announced later.

Sergiy Saveliy worked at Suspilne for more than 40 years, including 37 years in the sports department, and covered 10 Olympic Games from the field, including commenting on the first Olympic opening ceremony in the history of independent Ukraine - in 1994 in Lillehammer.

Honoured Journalist of Ukraine, in 2016 he was awarded the Igor Zaseda Prize for Honour and Dignity in Sports Journalism by the ASJU.

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  • Олег Олег - Эксперт
    11.05.2024 16:27
    Светлая память! Всегда от души топил за наших...
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