Myron Markevych: "Why should I answer this question?"

Thehead coach of Karpaty Myron Markevych toldUFwhy he transferred three of the team's players, namely Mykhailo Khromey, Yegor Kartushov and Yuriy Romanyuk, to the second team.

Myron Markevych (photo:

- Myron, why did you transfer these players to the second team?

- Why should I answer this question?

- It is interesting.

- You may be interested, but I'm not.

- Did they break the regime?

- No, no, nothing like that happened. I'm grateful to Romaniuk and Kartushov for helping Karpaty, but we need to move forward. They are good players, but we have a slightly different vision. We will not continue our cooperation with Romaniuk and Kartushov. Khromey is on loan, and we don't count on him either. So there is nothing supernatural about this situation.

- Didn't Khromey meet your expectations because he played only a few minutes in one match?

- Let him sort himself out first. Firstly, he is not our player, we took him from Shakhtar to watch him. Chromey can play football, but, but, but, but...

- What do you think of Arielson?

- Maybe he will be good, but not at Karpaty. He has a very large buyout clause from Cruzeiro, and Karpaty will definitely not pay such money. I wish him success at the new club.

- Apart from these players, should we expect anyone else to leave?

- It will depend on who we manage to sign. Then we will think whether to send someone or not.

- Do you already have players in mind to strengthen Karpaty for the UPL season?

- As I said earlier, it is difficult to get players to come to Ukraine during the war. We are looking for them, we are negotiating with some players, but it is too early to talk about anything. We are talking to both legionnaires and Ukrainians. We are looking for players for all positions.

- Karpaty won the UPL ahead of schedule. Where will you look for motivation for the team in the final matches of the round?

- We will somehow adjust the team. I understand that the task has been completed, but we need to finish the championship.

Andrii Piskun
