Vladislav Kabaev: "It's not a shame to lose a match like this, but it's very, very unpleasant"

Dynamo Kyiv midfielder Vladislav Kabaev commented on the result of the match against Shakhtar in the 28th round of the Ukrainian championship.

Vladislav Kabaev

- What did Dynamo fail to do in today's match?

- It didn't work out because there was no result. Of course, my emotions are negative. I think that the first half was not successful. There was a lot of nervousness and mistakes out of the blue. This is not like us. In the second half, I think we outplayed Donetsk. Of course, they were already playing with a goal, but you saw them falling down in the 75th minute. It is not a shame to lose such a match, but it is very, very unpleasant. It was my first time playing in a championship match and I have never experienced such negative emotions. I thank the fans who came, I thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for giving us the opportunity to play. But this match is an unpleasant episode in my career.

- Still, what did you lack to score?

- Shakhtar are a very good team with a very good defence and midfield. It is very difficult to create many chances at their goal. We had them, but we should have converted them. We are working on it, but we still lack it. In Europe, some teams score from the off, but we lack this. It is very unpleasant to analyse this in hot pursuit. We are angry, but we do not lower our heads. It may sound loud, but next season I personally do not want to let Shakhtar or any other team go. I want to become a champion. It's very unpleasant, but the second half was still positive. I am very proud to play in such a team with such a coach and such guys.

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  • Volodymyr Balamut(The_Balamut) - Наставник
    11.05.2024 21:55
    Я з 20212 році офіційно зареєстрований на цьому сайті. Але останні місяці за мною ганяється одна думка, від якої я поки трохи швидший, а саме. Нахрін піти з нього.
    На сайті стало гидко знаходитися. Засилля незрозумілих провокаторів і нічних "мінусаторів". Подивіться сьогоднішні коментарі під час матчу. Загальна кількість мінусів явно перевищує кількість плюсів. А подивитеся завтра вранці, то взагалі за голову візьметеся. Хтось системно проходиться по всіх дописах і системно мінусує. Вибачте, це що, виходить, що ми тут бісер перед свинями сиплемо? Повністю пропадає бажання хоч щось написати чи поділитися думкою. Просто якийсь бидлятник став, а не форум. Вибачте за різкість, але наболіло.
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