Kai Havertz: "I will be the biggest Tottenham fan in history"

Arsenal striker Kai Havertz hopes that their neighbours from Tottenham will be able to pick up points in the postponed match of the 34th round of the English Championship against Manchester City.

Kai Havertz, Getty Images

"I will be the biggest Tottenham fan! Let's hope for the best.

It's great to be part of the title fight. Every week you have to show your best game. When you do that, you feel even better. We have one game left and we need the whole club behind us - anything is possible," Havertz was quoted as saying by 90min.

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  • Арчибальдо Алекс - Эксперт
    14.05.2024 12:34
    Я теж не прихильник "Арсеналу", але, якщо вже не "Ліверпуль", то повболіваю в цій грі опосередковано за "канонірів".
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