Verbic's ex-wife: "Bawdy nights out and partying were his lifestyle."

Former wife of ex-Dinamo midfielder Benjamin Verbic - Alvina Tsarenko told about the Slovenian footballer's lifestyle.

Benjamin Verbic

- What kind of dad was Benjamin like? Did anything change with the birth of the child?

- Nothing changed when my son was born. I can't say that he spent a lot of time with the child.

- At the end of September 2022 in social networks you confirmed that your chosen one allegedly really behaved inappropriately in the location of the national team. We are talking about a stint and cheating. Where does this story originate from and what really happened?

- Actually, these parties and affairs were a system. You could say it was his lifestyle. I'm taking care of my son and he's out somewhere with unknown people and in a drunken state. I was worried about his bad habits. I was concerned about his aggression towards me, which was getting out of hand at the time. I had to talk about it.

- After this story, no disciplinary sanctions were applied to Verbic either by the club or by the Football Union of Slovenia, so this circumstance cast doubt on your version. Comment.

- He had fines at Panathinaikos for disciplinary offences as well as other situations not even related to me. Something they kept silent about, and some things were still written by Greek publications.

