Denys Popov: "I definitely don't feel like a veteran"

Dynamo Kyiv defender Denys Popov commented on the 3-1 home win over Kryvbas.

Denis Popov (centre; photo:

- The last home match of the season ended on a positive note. What are your emotions?

- Emotions are generally positive. We won and played a good game. In the first half, it was a bit difficult, as we played according to a new scheme, and we lacked a player in the attacking zone. But in the second half, we made substitutions, adjusted, and the game went on as usual.

- How long did you play the three-centre-back formation? Was it a new formation for you personally?

- It wasn't new to me, as we played with it in the U-20 youth team. But now we've only been practising it for three days, so maybe there wasn't enough understanding.

- Have your duties changed in any way?

- Yes, they have changed a little - I was clearing more, taking away, not launching attacks. In the second half, I was responsible for launching attacks and pushing the ball forward.

- Today is your 100th match for Dynamo. Do you feel like a veteran?

- I definitely don't feel like a veteran. I want my health to be good and I want to play more. For me personally, this season can be counted as an asset, as I play every match. I will continue to try to do so. I am grateful to God for hearing me and helping me.

- The fans have shown great support. How much does it help?

- Of course, the presence of the fans adds motivation and strength.

- Today Oleksandr Usyk is fighting against Tyson Fury...

- I'm in a hurry to get home and get ready to watch. I'll be rooting for our Cossack, we're only waiting for a victory.
