Oleksandr Povorozniuk: "I see the future of our football only with Rebrov. He is a unique coach"

Ingulets president Oleksandr Povorozniuk praises the coaching potential of Ukraine's national team coach Serhii Rebrov.

Alexander Povoroznyuk

- How would you rate Rebrov as the head of the Ukrainian national team?

- I believe that Rebrov is a unique coach. Only with Zelenskyy can we develop Ukraine, only with him do I see the future of our country. And I see the future of our football only with Rebrov.

Let me give you an example. Who could have thought before that Pikhalonok would be called up to the national team? No one! Under the previous coaches, it was customary to call up Konoplyanka, who was sitting in the club's reserves and did not play. Rebrov broke this tradition and calls up only those who play.

- What can we expect from the Ukrainian national team at Euro 2024?

- With the current squad, with our golden youth, we can compete for victory at the European Championships. Under Rebrov, we were not inferior to anyone in the game, maybe we were a little unlucky somewhere.

Andrii Piskun

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  • Jivago Doktor - Наставник
    24.05.2024 11:30
    Ми тільки із Зеленським можемо розвивати Україну... На жаль тут правда на 100500% - тільки із зеленським та ярмаком відвертий бандитизм так щиро і неприкрито "розвиває" країну, що із країни втекли більше 7 мільйонів її громадян... І "розвивають" тотально - у всіх гілузях, у всіх регіонах!!! Вже навіть офіційний Білий дім прямо говорить - пригальмуйте своїх "розвивальщиків", бо у нас можуть закінчитися і терпець, і кошти!
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