Commercial Director of Dnipro-1: "If Maksymov wants to leave, we will let him go. Perhaps Pikhalenok and Hutsulyak will leave"

2024-05-25 13:56 Dnipro-1's commercial director Vyacheslav Fridman commented to on rumours that the club has 4-months of ... Commercial Director of Dnipro-1: "If Maksymov wants to leave, we will let him go. Perhaps Pikhalenok and Hutsulyak will leave"
25.05.2024, 13:56

Dnipro-1's commercial director Vyacheslav Fridman commented to on rumours that the club has 4-months of wage arrears.

Vyacheslav Fridman

- The salary has already been calculated, it will be on Monday or Tuesday.

- Salary for these four months?

- No, we pay with a lag of three months. This has been going on all the time, it's not new - it's been discussed for years. We want to bring it up to two months in the next month.

- There was also information that Maksimov would leave the team after the season.

- I don't know. He has a contract, it says that if we finish fourth or fifth, the contract is automatically extended. If we finish sixth, we shake hands and part ways. If he wants to leave if he takes fourth or fifth place, we'll let him go, too. No questions asked.

I have not heard about his desire to leave. He hasn't made any such statements to us. When the season is over, we will sit down and talk. How he will continue to work, whether he is ready to work with young people. We will see.

- At the last press conference, Maksymov said that one person decides everything at the club. Do you understand who he meant?

- No, I do not understand. We don't have one person. Everything is decided by Andrii Rusol and Viacheslav Fridman. Today, the two of us decide the club's policy. For the near future.

- And on the players who are rumoured to be sent to different clubs. Filippov, Svatok, Rubchynskyi, Pikhalonok...

- We will let someone go. Svatok is already 30, let him play somewhere. Why not? We are thinking about Filippov, he is thinking about it. But there is no such thing as many players leaving - players have contracts, no one just leaves.

Maybe Pikhalenok and Hutsulyak will leave - their contracts are about to expire, and they need to be sold. This is the normal life of a football club. We don't need someone, their contract expires, they are old players, there is no point in continuing.


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