Sergo Gornakashvili, a Georgian volunteer, a football player of Kolos from Velika Dimerka, died at the front

2024-05-25 15:41 A volunteer, a citizen of Georgia, Sergo Gornakashvili, died as a result of hostilities. Sergo Gornakashvili ... Sergo Gornakashvili, a Georgian volunteer, a football player of Kolos from Velika Dimerka, died at the front
25.05.2024, 15:41

A volunteer, a citizen of Georgia, Sergo Gornakashvili, died as a result of hostilities.

Sergo Gornakashvili

Sergo Gornakashvili, who was from the village of Omalo in Akhmeta municipality, was killed in Kharkiv. The Georgian volunteer played for the Ukrainian football club Kolos, which was from Velyka Dymierka in the Kiev region.

Many Georgian volunteers have been fighting in Ukraine since the very first days of the full-scale Russian invasion. According to unconfirmed information, their number reaches 1,500.

Georgian fighters are fighting on the side of Ukraine in four units in particular - the Georgian Legion, Caucasian Legion, Tbilisi and Black Eagle. Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, more than 60 Georgian fighters are known to have been killed.

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