Dnipro-1 forward Oleksandr Filippov said in an interview with the Dniproynyn telegram channel that he is considering several options to continue his career at other clubs.

- How would you sum up this season for Dnipro-1? Can it be considered successful? On the one hand, the team reached the European Cup, but on the other hand, there was an opportunity to fight for higher places in the table, because at a certain stage of the season you were among the leaders.
- The season turned out to be a bit of a mess. We started very hard, then gained a good momentum before the winter break, and then slowed down again. Nevertheless, we managed to take a European Cup place despite our difficulties. So, as they say, "we have what we have".
- How would you rate your personal season? Are you satisfied with your performance in general?
- I can never be satisfied with my game, I always want to do my best. I am grateful to the team, management, and coaching staff for the opportunity to play for this club, at this stadium. Of course, I would like to do a little more from myself, but the main thing is that I had game practice and the opportunity to help my team.
- What do you see for your career in the future? Do youplan to stay with the team or are you considering other options, perhaps both in Ukraine and abroad?
- At the moment, my contract is almost over, so I am considering all options and looking for those where I will be needed as a player in the first place.
- Is it not Dnipro-1?
- I am considering all options.
-Can you tell us about the options now, is it Ukraine or do you have foreign options as well?
- I can't say yet.