Jozsef Szabo: "Markovyky insulted and humiliated the opponent with this decision"

Former Dynamo head coach Jozsef Szabo commented on the controversial actions of Karpaty head coach Myron Markevych and his son and assistant Ostap. In the golden match of the First League, Karpaty lost to Ingulets in the last minutes (1-2). After the match, at the awards ceremony, the head coach of the Lviv club, Myron Markevych, his son and assistant Ostap, did not join the corridor of honour and did not accept the silver medals.

Jozsef Szabo

"Of course, this is not a sporting principle. By this decision, they insulted and humiliated their opponent, believing that they were superior to him. But I don't know what happened there. Probably, it's character. Karpaty were leading the whole season and suddenly lost in the last minutes. It was emotions, nothing else. Markevych thought he was the best, and here he is not recognised. I think after a while the Markevychs will admit their mistakes," Sabo said.

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  • Vas51 ° - Наставник
    28.05.2024 17:18
    Тренер, який за своє футбольне життя, нічого в футболі не виграв, показав своє "Я", причому в негативному аспекті ... а Остап, якого ще ніхто не знає в футболі, нажаль, підтримав в цьому негативі, свого батька.
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