Vladimir Brazhko: "We need to work even harder and grab our chance"

2024-05-29 06:43 Dynamo Kyiv midfielder Volodymyr Brazhko took part in the autograph session of the Ukrainian national team ... Vladimir Brazhko: "We need to work even harder and grab our chance"
29.05.2024, 06:43

Dynamo Kyiv midfielder Volodymyr Brazhko took part in the autograph session of the Ukrainian national team and then answered questions from the club's media.

Vladimir Brazhko

- How was your holiday in your native Zaporizhzhia? Did you have enough time?

- I had a good rest, I hadn't been home for two years, so I went to Zaporizhzhia and had a great time. I'm full of energy and looking forward to joining the national team and the first training session.

- This is your second call-up to the national team, having previously played for the youth and youth teams. Are you ready for such a leap in your career?

- Of course, that's what I've been working for. But now I need to work even harder and grab my chance. I'm looking forward to the Euros.

- Ukraine is taking part in the fourth European Championship, it's your first tournament of this scale, how are you preparing for it psychologically?

- I'm preparing calmly, I don't think about the importance of the matches. If you are worried, you need to calm yourself down. We haven't started training yet, so it's too early to talk about excitement.

- Experts say that you can be the main player of the national team of Ukraine, are you ready for that? Will you be able to play all the matches at such a high level?

- We'll see. It's up to the coach to decide, everything will depend on my readiness. Of course, I want to play.

- How do you feel being in the national team camp? Did you have a special initiation?

- So far, no, maybe the guys will come up with something at the Euros. If necessary, I'm ready to sing. (Smiles). Tradition is tradition.

- Are there any players in the national team with whom you were not familiar? How were you received in the team?

- Very well. I got to know everyone, they are good guys, they give me advice during training. We get on well.

- How do you feel about signing autographs as a player of the Ukrainian national team?

- It's great. It's nice to see happy boys and girls when I answer questions, when I give out my autographed cards to people. I am very pleased, thank you to everyone who came.

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