Željko Lubenović: "The whole of Ukraine wanted Minaj to stay in the UPL"

Minaj head coach Željko Lubenović commented on the team's relegation to the First League.

Zeljko Lubenovic

"Despite the fact that the team has been relegated to the First League, I was still satisfied with the spring part of the championship performed by my players. Thanks to these players, who wanted to progress, who wanted to work, who wanted to listen, we achieved good results and kept a chance to stay in the UPL until the end. We lacked just a little bit.

Still, I am very pleased with the way the team played, worked and how the club developed during this period. I think there are more advantages than disadvantages in the "Minaj Spring".

We worked with the players for a very long time on tactics, game discipline and psychology. We had a lot of individual conversations. These are all components of our "secret". "Minaj" showed great football. People talked about us more than the bronze medallist. The thing that pleased me the most was that the whole of Ukraine wanted Minaj to stay in the UPL," Liubenovych said in an interview with Ua-football.

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  • Арчибальдо Алекс - Наставник
    30.05.2024 15:16
    Нічого не маю ні "за", ні "проти" "Минаю", але, на мій погляд, "вся Україна" це зверх оптимістично.
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