"Tsygankov has always had his own view on career development, and it has not always coincided with the club's vision," the journ

Well-known journalist Serhiy Tyshchenko shared his vision of the possible development of the situation with the future career of Ukrainian midfielder Viktor Tsygankov of Spanish club Girona, who is currently being shown interest by Bayern Munich, Spanish club Barcelona and several Premier League clubs.

Viktor Tsygankov

"You shouldn't assume that Vitya Tsygankov is some kind of dandelion who will do whatever different grown-up uncles tell him to do. The Tsygankov family is very difficult in every sense.

Ihor Surkis and Dynamo were able to see this first-hand. Vitya had the highest salary in Kyiv by far. A lot of treatment. It was all expensive. My father worked at the Academy. When my father had to go abroad, he was included in the list of people to go abroad. Other bonuses. When it came to signing a new contract, he was given a new one.

The Tsygankovs have always had their own view of career development. It did not always coincide with the club's vision.

"So far, Dynamo has received one championship, 5 million euros and a reputation for Tsygankov. Probably, taking into account his salary and medical treatment, the club's expenses are higher than the profit.

"Girona shouldn't think that Tsygankov will be subordinated to its interests. He has his own interests. Victor's salary can be in the region of 25-30 million euros, which makes him available to almost every club in the Premier League. It will be easier to move to some Tottenham or Aston Villa from West Ham when you don't have to pay a lot for you. Who doesn't want to buy a good footballer, a national team player, a Euro participant, with experience in the top championship for down-to-earth money? Even in terms of rotation. Plus, there will be better contract terms. You can earn many times more.

Therefore, it makes no sense for Tsygankov to sign a new contract with a big clause. If he performs well at the Euros, he has a very good chance of moving to the Premier League in the summer to quite good clubs on good personal terms.

Vita is already 27 years old. If he does not move in the summer, it will not be easy to do it later. Now is the best time for the biggest contract in his career because you need to provide for yourself and your family after football. Girona's expectations are only Girona's expectations.

If the clause is 30 million euros, then Girona is left with a nose. Because about half of the money will go to Dynamo's account. Deduct the salary for a year and a half... This is clearly not the money we could have received.

I assume that the cooperation between the Tsygankovs and Pere Guardiola will not be long either and will end soon. It just doesn't make much sense for the player to continue it.

We need to understand one simple truth: now is the best time for Tsygankov to move to a more status club," Tyshchenko wrote on his Facebook page.

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  • sedoj седой(sedoj) - Эксперт
    31.05.2024 09:11
    Тищенко решил поторопить Витю - половину денег, которые заплатит за Цыганкова какой-нибудь богатый клуб, должен получить Суркис. Поэтому, как говорит Святослав из команды "Загорецька", давай-давай!

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