Journalist tells what Vladyslav Lupashko's next club will look like

Journalist Andrew Todos said that head coach Vladyslav Lupashko, who was fired from Ingulets, will not end up at Karpaty, as was reported.

Vladislav Lupashko

"According to our information, Lupashko's next club may not be so obvious! Vladyslav Lupashko is negotiating with LNZ! We are waiting," Todos wrote on Telegram.

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  • Арчибальдо Алекс - Наставник
    06.06.2024 20:47
    Надо уточнить, "уволенный" или, по информации Поворознюка, "уволившийся"? Есть, всё-таки, разница.
    • 3