Vyacheslav Zakhovailo: "To concede three goals from the Poles? This is a humiliation of our intelligence!"

2024-06-08 09:19 Well-known manager and expert Vyacheslav Zakhovailo shared his impressions of the friendly match between Poland and ... Vyacheslav Zakhovailo: "To concede three goals from the Poles? This is a humiliation of our intelligence!"
08.06.2024, 09:19

Well-known manager and expert Vyacheslav Zakhovailo shared his impressions of the friendly match between Poland and Ukraine (3:1), which took place yesterday in Warsaw.

Vyacheslav Zakhovaylo

"What will not destroy us, it will only strengthen us... You have to know how to lose. To concede three goals from the Poles? This is a humiliation of our intelligence!

I will try without emotions.... Sergei Stanislavovich should draw conclusions. The standards are a disaster.

The 4-1-4-1 structure, in my opinion, is the most promising game for our victory. We need to find a balance in the midfield line. The position of the right back is a concern. Zhora Buschan was "past his prime" today. I have big questions to Zubkov personally: pull yourself together!

Sergey Stanislavovich! Professional statistics say that we could not lose today. But this is soccer.

The game against Germany offered us a more realistic scenario. Against Poland, we have to play differently. We have been doing that. But.... Personal mistakes brought disappointment. In terms of playing qualities our players are much better than the Poles. But the Polish national team had everything today - luck.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!", - wrote Zakhovailo on his page in the social network Facebook.

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