Jens Lehmann: "Is Arteta a good guy or a good coach?".

Former Arsenal goalkeeper Jens Lehmann has shared his opinion on Mikel Arteta's work at the club.

Mikel Arteta

"Arteta has done a great job lifting Arsenal. But whether he is the right fit for the team at the moment ... I'm not sure. Effectiveness needs to be confirmed.

We could have been champions of the APL twice. Last year Arsenal were top of the table and missed out on the title by a month. The key moment was Saki's penalty miss against West Ham at 2-0 which led to a draw. Minus two points.

Those who hire coaches sometimes don't realize that the personality of the coach is also important. Take a look at the personality of the coach. Is he a winner or just a good person who takes you to a certain level and then it's over?"," Lehmann told The Telegraph.

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  • Vas51 ° - Старожил
    09.06.2024 14:25
    Йенс Леманн, заздрість не дуже приємна риса...а що б ти зробив на його місці?
    • 2