"Mikolenko has not an ankle injury, but a foot injury," - the head doctor of the Ukrainian national team

The head doctor of the Ukraine national team Roman Zholobailiuk spoke about the injury of the national team defender Vitaliy Mykolenko, which he received in the friendly match with Moldova the day before yesterday (4:0).

Vitaly Mikolenko

"The most important thing I want to say is that it's the other leg. But the injury is quite interesting. It's not an ankle injury, it's a foot injury. There's such an interesting joint there, which in medicine is called the Lisfranc joint. This is the area that Mikolenko has injured.

We will be able to talk about the extent of the damage and the terms of Vitaly's rehabilitation only after today (Wednesday - editor's note) we will have an MRI. A day earlier, thank God, after a CT scan, which mainly evaluates the condition of the bone system, no bone pathology was found.

The worst that we could assume was not confirmed. We will be able to say something more specifically only after a full examination," Zholobailiuk said in a commentary to the UAF press service.

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  • Іван Разом з Динамо!!! - Наставник
    13.06.2024 07:37
    Бажаю швидкого одужання і повернення в стрій. На Віталіка жалко було дивитися в момент травми. Ледь стримував сльози. І це перед самим Євро. Удачі Віталіку!!!
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