Yevhen Levchenko: "There was such an impression that the Ukraine national team has some apathy"

Former Ukraine midfielder Yevhen Levchenko shared his impressions of yesterday's match of the Ukrainian national team with Romania (0:3) in the 1st round of the group stage of Euro-2024.

Evgeny Levchenko

"A complete shock. I think everyone from Ukraine and not only hoped to see a different match, that we will play more attractive soccer. Realized that the match with the Romanians will be very hard and nervous. But when you see how we played, it's terrible.

The first impression is that we were just overexcited, we could not gather ourselves completely, we lost a lot of duels. The Romanians should be given credit. They played grouped, very active. In some moments, like with the goal, they pressed us very well.

And we watched how we scored goals, how we made mistakes. There was an impression that our team had some apathy. It is very unsightly and unpleasant, because I thought that we have outgrown such mistakes in such matches. That's why there is a residue on the soul. I don't know how to analyze this game, because there were a lot of mistakes, moments when we didn't finish, didn't finish. We did not create the moments we needed.

I must give credit to the Romanians, who studied us very well, confidently blocked the center of the field, which we lost today. They blocked our flanks, where all the initiative should come from," Levchenko said.

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  • Фёдор - Наставник
    18.06.2024 07:20
    Им было очень тяжело в психологическом плане. Они вроде бы были на поле, но мыслями то они были в окопах с настоящими мужиками. Только, не дай Бог, в окопах так бы воевали, как они играют, то и не было бы уже Украины как страны. И не играла бы Украина на Евро. И позора бы такого не было. Но зато как футболисты потрясающе чешут языками! Загляденье! Вот научились бы умирать на поле. Только зачем? Живут в тепле и уюте, сытые и одетые, не вылезают из тату-салонов. Как говорят, не хватает только птичьего молока. И не понимают что Родина освободила их от войны. А это самое страшное что не понимают.
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