Poland's national team is the first at Euro 2024 to lose its chances of qualifying from the group

Yesterday's defeat of the Polish national team against Austria (1-3) in the 2nd round of the group stage of Euro 2024 was fatal for it.

Polish national team players after the match against Austria

A round before the end of the group stage of the European Championship, the Polish national team has no points in the asset and has lost its theoretical chances to rise from the last place in Group "D".

Current standings in Group "D":

1. Netherlands - 4 points
2. France - 4
3. Austria - 3
4. Poland - 0.

Even if Poland manages to overtake Austria in terms of points, it will not overtake it, as it lost to it in a personal meeting, and, according to the tournament regulations, it is this indicator that is taken into account first when points are equal.

Thus, the Polish national team became the first team among the participants of Euro 2024, which lost the chance to get out of the group.

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