Cristiano Ronaldo became the best assistant in the history of the European Championships

Portugal forward Cristiano Ronaldo has set a record for European Championships.

Cristiano Ronaldo, Getty Images

In the match of the 2nd round of the Euro 2024 group stage against Turkey (3: 0), Ronaldo scored an assist for Bruno Fernandes. The 39-year-old forward scored his seventh assist in the history of Euro performances, which is a tournament record.

Before that, Cristiano shared the first place in assists at the Euros with former Czech Republic midfielder Karel Poborsky.

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  • kosulin
    Vladyslav Kosulin(kosulin) - Наставник
    23.06.2024 05:54
    Под конкретного игрока в последнее время подгоняли только Золотой Мяч.
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