Vyacheslav Zakhovaylo: "Zinchenko on the flank of the defense is not so difficult to sell"

Well-known manager and expert Vyacheslav Zakhovailo analyzed the game of Oleksandr Zinchenko in the national team of Ukraine in the two starting matches of Euro 2024. In both of these matches, the 27-year-old footballer acted in the position of left wing-back.

Vyacheslav Zakhovaylo

"My analysis of Oleksandr Zinchenko's game at Euro-2024, in the two starting matches of the national team of Ukraine.

I will start with the fact that, this is my personal opinion, which is subjective.

In my opinion, the use of Oleksandr as a left back in the structure of the game in two central defenders is a decision of the coach from the alternative hopelessness. This decision breaks the balance in the defensive actions of the team as a whole. Zinchenko does not possess the necessary athleticism, qualitative selection of the ball, he loses in the parameters of his height in head play. In a word, it is not so difficult to sell him on the flank.

Alexander has completely different strong qualities that have established him as a top player in the APL. Namely: Guardiola has exposed him in the position of an inverted left-back, who is sharpened to create in the attacking actions of the team in the transitional phases of the game. Shifting to the center, controlling the team's playmaking, Alexander was almost unmistakable in building positional attacks. His vertical passes were constructive and on the rebound.

I draw my conclusion that in recent matches he plays exclusively on his weaknesses, which I listed above.

In my opinion, using Zinchenko in the structure of three central defenders at the position of invert-left-back will be more productive overall. He will play to his best qualities.

This is my personal opinion and does not serve as a recommendation.

Good luck to everyone. Glory to Ukraine!", - wrote Zakhovailo on his page in the social network Facebook.
