Andriy Yarmolenko: "I'm tired of journalists asking about Shevchenko's record"

Ukraine's midfielder Andriy Yarmolenko expressed his attitude to questions about the possibility of surpassing Andriy Shevchenko's record for goals scored by the national team.

Andriy Yarmolenko (photo:

"To be honest, I'm so tired of journalists asking me this. Maybe people will listen to me now and stop asking questions about the record. This is the fourth Euro for me - I'm pleased to be here, to play in such a tournament and give my best for my country. It's great for me.

Well, I will break Andriy Mykolayovych's record, for example. You will write about this record in one day. I will remain in the team's history anyway. For me, the most important thing is to be part of the team, and goals are just that. If I manage to break the record, it's good, if not, it means Shevchenko deserves to be the first," Yarmolenko said on Vzbirna.

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  • Арчибальдо Алекс - Наставник
    26.06.2024 17:16
    Подібні питання, на жаль, підкреслюють рівень спортивних журналістів України
    • 7