Scandal! De Bruyne banned his team from approaching Belgian fans after the match with Ukraine (VIDEO)

Yesterday's match against Ukraine (0:0) in the 3rd round of the group stage of Euro-2024 in the 3rd round of the group stage of Euro-2024 ended in a scandal for the Belgian national team and its fans.

Kevin de Bruyne leads his team away from the stands with Belgian fans

After the final whistle, Red Devils captain Kevin De Bruyne headed to the stands with Belgian fans to thank them. He was followed by the rest of the Belgian national team players.

However, as the players approached the stands, the fans bombarded them with whistles, unflattering shouts and also began to show them the middle finger.

In response, De Bruyne turned in the opposite direction and at the same time, as captain, forbade his teammates to approach the fans. Under the deafening whistle, the Belgian team hid in the locker room.

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  • Гліб Капустін(Romen) - Эксперт
    27.06.2024 09:59
    Понимаю их фанов. Провал на чемпионате мира, провал в первой игре со словаками, только по разнице мячей выход с группы,где им отводили беззаговорочное первое место на Евро...
    Ноль голов у Лукаку. Какой то непонятный тренер,ничего в своей карьере не выигравший,непонятно за какие заслуги приглашенный. Я его помню только по Шальке и спартаку...
    То бишь свистели по делу. Осталось вылететь от французов,что скорее всего и произойдет.
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