Vladyslav Vashchuk - about Ukraine at Euro-2024: "The feeling that in the third game they got acquainted and have already starte

Former Ukraine national team defender Vladyslav Vashchuk shared his impressions of the Euro 2024 Ukraine vs Belgium match.

Vladyslav Vashchuk

- Evaluate yesterday's match with Belgium.

- I liked yesterday's game, especially the way we started the game. This is how we should have started the Euro. The first and second matches - it felt like we were already tired for the whole tournament. And the third one was very pleasant - we played forward, we had more shots, we played less in our own penalty area, there was a desire to win this match. That's what should be in soccer.

- And in general, what was not enough to get out of the group at the Euros?

- The feeling is that in the third game they got acquainted and have already started to communicate.

- There is a discussion on Rebrov - do you think he should be kept or fired?

- Fans can say whatever they want. But there should be an executive committee, there should be a report for this tournament in two years. Everybody knows how to wave a saber like that. We should not be so categorical about it.


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  • Болела Болелов - Наставник
    27.06.2024 13:30
    "...было видно желание выиграть этот матч."
    Ну, не знаю - вот у грузин вчера видел желание выиграть, даже если бы они по факту сыграли вничью или даже проиграли в борьбе. В матче Австрии с Нидерландами - видел такое желание и по игре и по конечному результату, по счёту. У наших - не знаю, какое там было у них в глубине души желание (верю, что желание было), но визуально это больше выглядело, как желание "не проиграть". То есть - либо сверхжелания выиграть не было, либо не тот уровень команды, чтобы успешно воплотить такое желание в результат.
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