Myron Markevych: "With such a selection of performers, the Ukrainians should not have had any problems leaving the group"

Honored Coach of Ukraine Myron Markevych commented on the performance of the national team of Ukraine at the group stage of the Euro 2024 finals in Germany:

Myron Markevych (photo:

"Of course, I am very disappointed. With such a selection of performers, the Ukrainians should not have had any problems with leaving the group. Everything was spoiled by the opening match with the Romanians, where, it seems, we underestimated the opponent.

Nevertheless, the second half of the next match against the Slovaks gave reason to hope that all was not lost and that Serhii Rebrov's men would be able to defeat the Belgians, who have been unimpressive lately. Unfortunately, the absence of the injured Viktor Tsygankov and Mykhailo Mudryk was noticeable, and I am sure that their speed and creativity would have been especially useful after the break, when the Belgians looked tired.

However, we have what we have. We have to leave the Euro early. A detailed analysis of the Ukrainian national team's performance is yet to come, but it is clear that key players performed worse than expected. It is a shame when hopes are not fulfilled," Markevich said.

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  • Валодік Цибельшухер - Опытный писатель
    27.06.2024 14:50
    Тричі перечитував і ніяк не збагну - Маркевич вважає Мудрика креативним футболістом??
    • 4