Edward Iordanescu: "The statements that we were going to draw with Slovakia are a disgrace! We are waiting for an apology"

Head coach of the Romanian national team Edward Iordanescu said that his team was going to draw with Slovakia in the final, 3rd round of the group stage of Euro 2024. Recall that such a result guaranteed both teams an exit to the 1/8 finals. As a result, the match ended with a score of 1:1.

Edward Iordanescu

"People who made such statements regarding this match should apologize to us. I think after the end of the match it was clear to everyone that both teams gave their all on the field for 80 minutes of the game, and then, of course, everyone proceeded from their own interests. But all the players left everything on the field.

To say before the match that we are going to draw with Slovakia, to muddy the team, the players, our work, our dignity - it is a disgrace! You should have seen the game first, and then judge someone. With these statements they poured mud not only at us, but also at all Romanian fans.

But we showed that we have character. And now we are waiting for an apology.

I think you saw that we wanted to win the match. Anyway, up to the 80th minute. And then, of course, we played to keep the score, which gave us the first place in the group, knowing what happens in the match Ukraine - Belgium. This is normal for the ends of matches. Romania in every game struggles and shows character. So if we had lost, we would have left the field with our heads held high," Iordanescu said during his regular press conference.

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  • Арчибальдо Алекс - Наставник
    28.06.2024 10:44
    Не треба "включати дурня", ці заяви спочатку з'явились з румунського табору, так що вибачайтесь поміж собою.
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