Andriy Lunin did not extend his contract with Real Madrid, the club is preparing other scenarios

Ukrainian goalkeeper of Real Madrid Andriy Lunin did not extend his contract with the club and did not inform the management that he wanted to leave, Marca reports.

Andriy Lunin

The Ukrainian has another year of his contract, and therefore, the "creamy" team began to prepare scenarios based on Lunin's departure. In particular, Madrid can return Kepa from Chelsea to a new lease.

"The Real Madrid managers are calm. They believe that they have a guaranteed goalkeeper in Courtois and are just waiting for a serious offer to come in for Andriy. But Lunin failed to perform well at Euro 2024 and strengthen his market position as expected. He failed in the first match and did not play again," the source writes.

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  • Андрей(Paparazzi) - Наставник
    29.06.2024 07:47
    Як ви думаєте, легко вийти із зони комфорту, коли тебе фанати люблять, є квартира чи будинок, підростає син, потрібно дбати про майбутнє дитини? І можна отримати новий контракт на вигідних умовах.
    Якщо б за контракт зараз відповідав сам Андрій, то він би вже знову його підписав. Проте, маючи агента Жорже Мендеша, зараз і відбувається вся невизначеність.
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