"The Belgian national team is a used car, its defense is a sieve, de Bruyne is a cab driver" - L'Equipe columnist

Former French rugby player Eric Blanc, and now - the columnist of the authoritative edition of L'Equipe, on the eve of the match 1/8 finals of Euro-2024 France - Belgium, has trashed the Belgian national team.

Eric Blanc

"I think, on the matches of the group stage with Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine, everyone saw that the current Belgian national team is a used car. A completely abandoned team. Which has a cab driver, it's De Bruyne: he tries to take everyone out, but he doesn't succeed because there is a desert around him.

And does anyone think that until Monday (the day of the match of the 1/8 finals with France - ed.) this team will be able to get back on track? At the moment, the French national team and the Belgian national team are night and day, so the French national team is stronger. Belgians now, excuse me, just nothing.

A separate topic is the defense of the Belgian national team. Courtois is no longer in the goal. The defense itself is a sieve," - quotes Blanc LaLibre.

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  • Алекс Кучад - Эксперт
    30.06.2024 11:43
    В групі "Е" регбістів не було... всі грали у футбол.
    Таке зневажливе ставлення, колишнього регбіста, до збірної Бельгії показує недолугість його.
    Бажаю збірній Бельгії проїхатись по "жабоїдам" асфальтовим катком, а "таксисту" де Брюйне забити гол та зробити декілька результативних передач!
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