Brazhko is interested in Feyenoord

Dynamo Kyiv midfielder Volodymyr Brazhko has fallen into the sphere of interest of Dutch Feyenoord, Geitjewieffer reports.

Vladimir Brazhko. Photo — A. Popov

According to the source, the club from Rotterdam sees the 22-year-old Ukrainian as a replacement for Mats Wiffer, who is expected to change teams this summer.

The contact of Feyenoord representatives with Brazhko has already taken place and turned out to be positive. In the near future, the club is going to send Dynamo an official transfer offer.

We would like to add that Brazko's contract with Dynamo is valid until 2028. According to Transfermarkt, his transfer value is currently €5m.

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Best comment
  • Vas51 ° - Наставник
    30.06.2024 11:53
    По даними Transfermarkt ціна на Бражко 5,0 млн €.
    Невже Фейєнорд думає купити за таку "подарункову"ціну?
    У Суркіса інша ціна...і чи згоден він продати Бражка... ось у чому питання.
    • 6