Agent Vsevolod Badko: "Nazariy Rusyn wants to become a major player at Sunderland in the new season"

Ukrainian football agent Vsevolod Badko assessed the debut season at Sunderland for former Dynamo forward Nazariy Rusyn.

Nazariy Rusyn and Vsevolod Badko (photo:

- Three coaches changed during the season. This season was more of an adaptation. A new environment, the family could not get a visa for a long time, there were language problems. Plus, there were injuries. Now there are more positive things. His family is now by his side. Rusyn wants to successfully prepare for the new season and become a key player for the Black Cats. But no matter what clubs we talk to, everyone knows that the Ukrainian plays at Sunderland. He has increased the interest of the Premier League clubs in the Ukrainian market," the agent is sure.

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  • Сергей Красавчик(crasavchic) - Эксперт
    30.06.2024 23:17
    А я могу интерпретировать и так)): вадик (шаблий) устал от предъяв к нему и нашёл "тело", которое он будет использовать для официальных своих "транзакций" и "перемещений"...)))
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