Victor Pitsurke: "The Ukraine national team had better players, but not the team. And here they are already at home, and the res

Former head coach of the Romanian national team Victor Pitsurca has assessed the performance of his country's national team at Euro 2024, including its victory over Ukraine (3-0) in the opening match of the tournament. Recall, the Romanians reached the 1/8 finals of the European Championship, where they will play the Netherlands.

Victor Pitsurke

"What is very important, this Romanian national team has its own face. Players, even if they as individuals and do not shine, but put all their interests at the service of the team. And it matters. Look, the Ukraine national team had better players, but not the team. And here they are at home, and the results came to the Romanian national team: it went to the playoffs, and not just went, but won its group!

Now we will have a very difficult match, because the Dutch, although they do not have the same individual qualities, but this team has very good and strong players. They also have some disadvantages that can be assumed.

I estimate the chances in this confrontation as about 60-40 percent in favor of the Netherlands. But this is a lot for Romania, because in those days, when I played against the Dutch, our team had no more than 25 percent chance of success. Although we also had a good team then.

With the Netherlands we will have to be flawless physically and mentally. We have nothing to lose, but for this generation, getting into the top eight of the best national teams in Europe would mean something great. And it is possible!", - Gazeta Sporturilor quoted Pitsurke as saying.

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  • Illia Verigin - Опытный писатель
    01.07.2024 10:04
    Словаки уже проиграли в 1/8, румыны и бельгийцы тоже проиграют. Эти проигрыши покажут, что группа, в которую входили эти команды, была самой слабой на ЧЕ. И в самой слабой группе сборняк Реброва оказался самой слабой командой. По подбору игроков сборняк Реброва был вторым в группе, поэтому вся вина в том, что команда заняла последнее место, лежит на Реброве.
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