"Chelsea rejected all offers from top clubs for Mudryk

Chelsea continue to count on Ukrainian midfielder Mykhailo Mudryk. This was reported by journalist Matt Lowe.

Mykhailo Mudryk. Photo: Getty Images

According to the source, Chelsea does not want to let Mudryk go and trusts him. Earlier this year, the Londoners received requests for the midfielder from top clubs for a loan and a full transfer, but Chelsea refused all of them.

"The club has a feeling that Maresca's style will suit Mudryk. Maresca will be ready to use his strengths, what he does well. I think he is still an important part of Chelsea," Lowe was quoted as saying by LondonBluePod.

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Best comment
  • Illia Verigin - Опытный писатель
    01.07.2024 17:47
    Мареска был ассистентом у Гвардиола и за один год вернул Лестер в ПЛ. У Мудрика появляется шанс стать футболистом, а не спринтером.
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