"I hope that I will have several successful years in football ahead of me," 34-year-old Andriy Bohdanov

Andriy Bohdanov, a midfielder from Dynamo Kyiv, who recently left Kolos Kovaliv due to the expiration of his contract, said he has no plans to end his professional career.

Andriy Bogdanov

- Andrii, 4.5 years at Kolos are behind you. Is your departure the club's initiative?

- I'll answer yes. My contract came to an end and was not extended.

- Are you leaving the club you've given so much to with a heavy heart?

- It was a great period. I will only remember Kolos with warmth.

- Have you received any offers from potential employers?

- You see, not much time has passed. I am open to all options. Let's see what happens next.

- Do you plan to stay in Ukraine?

- I think I will stay at home.

- How true is the information about the interest from FC YuksA?

- I can't answer you right now. It's only been a few days since I've been a free agent, so we'll see.

- At the age of 34, do you have a desire to continue?

- I have a great desire to play football. I started the training camp with Kolos and got in good shape. I hope that I will have several successful years in football without injuries.

- Some may envy your optimism.

- This is life, you know. In life, one stage ends and a new one begins. I am very grateful to Kolos. I have no grudges against the club. I am very happy with this period in my career.

- Kolos has been criticized a lot for the fact that, despite having a solid selection of players in the team, you have missed out on the European Cup zone. Do you have an explanation for this?

- I would not like to bring to the public what should not be public. I only remember the good things that happened with Kolos.

We played in the Europa League qualifiers. The matches against Karaganda and Rijeka showed that Kolos could represent Ukraine with dignity if the opponents were more fortunate.

- Kolos went through a rebuilding process. A course of rejuvenation has been set. Will the change of coach and the transition to a new model help you reach a new level?

- Only time will be able to put everything in its place. You understand that everything will depend on the result. I can wish Oleksandr Pozdeyev (Kolos coach - ed.) to realize everything he has planned.

Oleksandr Karpenko
