"He threw it between Buyalsky's legs". Milevsky's friend says Ukraine has "buried" the new Ronaldo's talent

Serhiy Tretiak, who is friends with Artem Milevsky, said that he studied at the same school as the Ukrainian Cristiano Ronaldo.

Artem Milevsky and Serhiy Tretyak

"Never in my life have I had the opportunity to have direct contact with Ronaldo, I've only seen him on the football field. But when I was studying at a football boarding school, we had Viktor Taran, born in 1993, on our team. He had a similar style of play to Crist and showed great promise. But, as often happens in our country, talents are "buried". And he was really the second Ronaldo and more promising than the guys who are now playing in the national team, but his talent was "buried."

Viktor Taran, from Dnipropetrovs'k region, came to our boarding school in Kyiv at the age of 12. He was a very technical, fast player. He even threw it between Buyalsky's legs and played in the center. He graduated because he did not do well at school, and when they were choosing who to expel - him or me from the boarding school because of my poor performance at school, they chose him. So there you have it. That was basically the end of his career. He did not succeed further. Now he lives in Canada and works as a waiter in a restaurant," Tretiak said.

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  • Олег Олег - Эксперт
    07.07.2024 17:43
    За Виктора Тарана не скажу, но у нас в школе на год младше меня учился паренёк. Невысокий, слегка кривоногий, фигурой чем-то напоминал Месси. Так вот такого дриблинга и навыков обводки, я не наблюдал вживую ни до ни после... Болтал пацанов на 3-4 года старше себя как детей. Сам много раз играл против (и за) него. Отобрать мяч возможно было,только сбив его с ног. Реальный феномен. В городе в футбольных кругах его хорошо знали и очень надеялись, что он заиграет на высоком уровне. Как-то спустя лет 15 после школы в середине 90-х встретил его в очереди за пивом.Разговорились...Он рассказал, что после восьмого класса ездил поступать в столицу то ли в динамовскую школу, то ли в спортинтернат, точно не помню, а врать не хочу... Не взяли! Дали минут пять сыграть в двухсторонке, потом тест- спринт на 60 м. и жонглирование мячом. Похвалили, поцокали языками, сказали прийти завтра, но в итоге забраковали. Какое-то время он играл за заводские команды в городе, потом пропал с моих радаров. Говорят спился...
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