"Rusol said that just in case Dnipro-1 would apply to the UPL": Friedman on the future of the club

Dnipro-1 Commercial Director Vyacheslav Fridman assured that his club will apply for the new season regardless of whether the team will play in the Ukrainian championship or cease to exist.

Vyacheslav Fridman

The Dnipro club remains the only representative of the UPL that has not yet returned from vacation, although it won the right to play in the Conference League last season.

"Rusol is dealing with the applications. He told me that, just in case, Dnipro-1 will apply to the UPL. As for the future of the club, there is no news yet, neither good nor bad. I think everything will be decided at the end of this week," Friedman said.

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  • Арчибальдо Алекс - Наставник
    15.07.2024 17:42
    "І сам не гам-2": "Рух" в ЄК не пустили і в Прем'єр-лізі ні "Дніпра-1", ні новачка не буде.
    • 3