Ceferin may break his promise not to run for UEFA president again

UEFA president Aleksander Čeferin may run again for another term in 2027, The Guardian reports.

Alexander Ceferin

In February, the UEFA Congress amended the organization's statutes to allow the 56-year-old official to remain in office until 2031. After that, Ceferin publicly promised that he would not run for another term.

However, according to the source, the UEFA chief has discussed with representatives of several European federations the potential revocation of his pledge. He is supported by about 20 UEFA members.

The main reason for Ceferin's intentions is called the lack of a successor. At the moment, no candidate has not even privately declared a desire to run for the post of UEFA President.

Recall, Ceferin was elected to the post of UEFA President in September 2016.

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  • Алекс Кучад - Эксперт
    16.07.2024 12:31
    путін також офіціфно, і не раз, заявляв, що більше двох разів, не балутуватиметься в президенти параші...
    Всім відомо, що чеферин,великий "почитатель" параші та х@@ла... тому вірити йому "ніззя"!!!
    • 2