Former NOC vice president Hotsul: "UAF had no right to force clubs to let players go to the Olympics, but there must be patrioti

Former vice president of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine Ihor Hotsul commented on the "weakened" composition of the Ukrainian Olympic team at the Games in Paris.

Ihor Hotsul

- The UAF had no right to force clubs to let players go to the Olympics. But it had to negotiate and convince. At least that's what they do in civilized countries. Football clubs are private entities that defend their interests. For them, football players are a resource that is depleting and can be damaged, which means additional financial losses. But on the other hand, there are also the interests of the country, there must be patriotism, so we could let the players go to the Games," said Gotsul.

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  • Валерий Сикорский(VTS) - Наставник
    16.07.2024 20:50
    Для этого и существует УАФ. Она должна быть посредником между клубами и сборной. Что касается страховки, то могла бы взять эту функцию на себя. Или деньги кончились, после командировки " ответственных работников" на ЧЕ-24. УАФ из своего бюджета, могла бы клубам делегировавших игроков, выделить энную суму, как компенсацию. Вариантов много, но мозгов и желания у ЧЛЕНОВ УАФ, очевидно нет.
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