"Dynamo are negotiating the transfer of a winger from Latin America

As it was already reported, Dynamo Kyiv entered into negotiations with Australian Central Coast Mariners about the transfer of the Colombian midfielder Angel Torres.

Photo — Yuri Yuriev

However, according to the Dynamo TV channel, there are at least two players ahead of Torres on the short list of the Bilo-Syni for the winger position.

One of them is 18-year-old Ramik Hajiyev from Dnipro-1, but there are difficulties with his transfer: the player's priority is not Dynamo, but another unnamed Ukrainian club, but the latter has no possibility to meet the financial demands of the Dnipro player.

Another potential newcomer of Dynamo is a winger from Latin America, but in this case there are very complicated negotiations with both the player and his club.

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  • FC_DK_2022 Д - Старожил
    17.07.2024 09:04
    Один із них — це 18-річний Рамік Гаджиєв із «Дніпра-1», але з його трансфером є складнощі: футболіст віддає перевагу «Динамо» перед іншим неназваним українським клубом, однак той не має можливості задовольнити фінансові запити дніпрянина.
    Ось тут я , щось заплутався....розтлумачте
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