Oleksandr Pikhalenok: "There will be a lot of fighting in the matches with Partizan"

Dynamo's central midfielder Oleksandr Pikhalenok shared his impressions of the training camp and expectations for the matches against Partizan.

Photo: fcdynamo.com

- Oleksandr, how is the training camp going for you?

- We are a bit tired, but we are preparing for a very important match against Partizan. There are two control games ahead, we need to prepare even better.

- This is your first training camp with Dynamo. What would you like to emphasize?

- I would note the high intensity of the training. It's a good team, I've been received very well. We are preparing for the official matches in a positive way.

- Today was a tactical session. A lot depended on you in the middle of the field. Haveyou already managed to adapt to Dynamo's style of play?

- Yes, you gradually play a little with your partners to feel them even better. Today we worked on tactics, so that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow in the control matches we will practice it in the game.

- What do you expect from Partizan? How do you assess the opponent?

- It will be a very difficult match - one hundred percent. The Serbs always play power football. There will be a lot of struggle - in this component it is important not to lose, and then everything will be fine.

- You had a bad experience playing in the qualifying rounds last season. What's important before these matches in terms of preparation?

- There should always be a setup, there should be one hundred percent dedication in every match. If we talk about qualifying, the first opponent is the hardest to overcome.

- Is the fact that this will be Dynamo's first official match of the season, while the Serbian club will not, an advantage for the opponent?

- I can't say whether it will be an advantage. We have to come out and play from the first to the last minute, give our all on the field.

- Are youcounting on the home field factor in Lublin?

- Of course, we are waiting for our fans. We invite them to come to the stadium. Their support is very important to us.
