Wife of a former Dnipro-1 player: "Do I plan to switch to Ukrainian? Of course not"

The wife of Ukrainian footballer Maksym Tretyakov, who until recently played for Dnipro-1 and this summer joined Kolos, answered the question on her Instagram whether she would switch to Ukrainian.

Photo: Instagram

"Of course not. My whole city speaks Russian, and so do the waiters in the restaurants. It's only on Instagram that you're hypocritical, I don't do this kind of crap," Tretyakova wrote.

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  • вадим олефир(dimva) - Наставник
    21.07.2024 18:38
    як бачу українцям доведеться воювати за свою рідну мову і в своїй українській державі з окацапленими
    • 9