"Atletico continue to put pressure on Girona over Dovbik

Girona's Ukrainian striker Artem Dovbik has indeed already agreed to a move to Atletico, writes Catalan journalist Neil Sola.

Artem Dovbik

Under the personal contract that has already been agreed with Dovbik, he will receive a solid increase in all personal terms.

"Girona continue to insist on a clausula of 40 million, and not a cent less, but Atletico are putting pressure on the Catalans in various ways," reports the source, who seems to have no doubt that this pressure will succeed.

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  • Олександр Вболiвальник Динамо(doktorim) - Эксперт
    22.07.2024 20:14
    Уже начало футбольного сезона совсем близко, а Атлетико остался без нападающего. Атлетико найдёт возможность уплатить столько, сколько понадобится для приобретения Довбика.
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