Flick tells how he wants to see Barcelona play football

Barcelona's new head coach Hans-Dieter Flick has spoken about the style of football he would like to see his team play.

Hans-Dieter Flick

"The tradition here is to play with a lot of passing, but I also want the guys to work vertically towards the goal. They should focus a little more on scoring goals. I don't think my style has changed. I'm looking for the same things - high pressure and playing in the opponent's half, but at the end of the day, we have to win, especially at Barcelona.

All I can say is that we want to be an active team. We have to be active with and without the ball. It depends on us. We can make the opponent move in the direction we want. I like it when my teams put pressure on the opponent and when holding the ball, all players should have as much freedom as possible. That's how I see it from a technical point of view," Barca One quoted Flick as saying.
