"Girona" and "Atletico" will announce the transfer of Dovbik in the next few hours

Theinformation that the transfer of Girona's Ukrainian striker Artem Dovbik to Atletico Madrid has already been agreed finds its confirmation in other sources.

Artem Dovbik

According to FutbolFantasy, the deal for such a transfer was concluded last night and will be officially announced in the next few hours.

According to the source the successful progress of negotiations was accelerated by Dovbic's strong desire to move to Atletico.

The details of the transfer are also given. It is reported that his amount amount amounted to 35-37 million euros, and taking into account the bonuses Atletico will receive 40 million euros - this is the clausula Dovbik, fixed in his contract with Girona. The Catalan club will receive 80% of the amount of the sale of Dovbik, and 20% will go to the Danish "Middtjylland" - the former club of the player, from which he went to Dnipro-1 in 2020.

We should add that if the information about the amount of Dovbik's transfer in the amount of 40 million euros is true, it will be the most expensive sale in the history of "Girona". So far, the record transfer of the Catalan club is the recent transfer of Ales Garcia to Bayer Leverkusen for 20 million euros.

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  • Аристарх Павлопольский - Старожил
    24.07.2024 10:37
    Мбаппе на Евро сыграл не лучше Довбика, ему из-за этого не надо было переходить в Реал? По инф. сми его годовая зп в Атлетико будет примерно на 2 млн в год больше, чем в Жироне. За 4 сезона это 8 млн евро. Второй раз в клуб уровня Атлетико после неудачного Евро уже 27 летнего Довбика могут и не пригласить. Продолжать набираться опыта в Жироне с риском там и остаться плюс потерять очень большие деньги, наверное, для этого надо быть бОльшим патриотом Жироны, чем своей семьи и своих близких.
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