Partizan fans: "Dynamo played at the level of Manchester City or Real Madrid

Serbians are shocked by the crushing defeat of Dynamo (2:6) in the first match of the second qualifying round of the Champions League. Despite the fact that even before the game, Partizan fans wrote that the Ukrainian club was stronger, no one could have imagined that the match would end in such a humiliating defeat. Serbians point out that the Blue and Yellows could have scored even more goals, so even the 2-6 score does not reflect the difference between the two teams that everyone saw on the field. Some even call on the Partizan players and coaching staff not to return to Serbia and not to disgrace the club anymore.

Slavisa: It was the worst game in Partizan's history. We conceded 6 goals, but we could have conceded twice as many. The team is simply not ready to play at this level, because it's just a qualifier. It's scary to imagine what score Manchester City or Real Madrid would have won against us.

Drakulic: Ukrainians suffered because of the war. They lost funding, many players left, and it is very difficult to lure newcomers to a country at war. Everything pointed to the fact that Partizan had a chance to beat such an opponent. But all chances were lost after the first match. It's terrible.

Chaotic: Even the team from Gibraltar didn't play as shamefully as Partizan. How can this be explained? We purposefully prepared for Dynamo, we knew their strengths and weaknesses. And then the team takes the field and makes mistake after mistake. In children's football, you don't make mistakes that often.

Sobot: "Dynamo has a lot of strong players, they don't just have a bunch of players on the field, they have a real team. And we have constant gaps between the lines. The attacking players do not return to defense, there is no safety net, no understanding of how to stop the Ukrainians. I haven't seen such a helpless team for a long time.

Dusca: 2:6 is not the worst result in such a game. It could have been worse, for example, 2:10. I haven't seen such an ugly defense for a long time. I think that we should say goodbye to the coaching staff immediately, because there is no point in waiting for any improvements after such a disgrace.

Trso: All the players, coaches and management of the club should be disposed of. They are useless people who have disgraced our Partizan. You can lose to a strong opponent, but not 2-6!

Predrag: I wrote here before the match that Dynamo is much stronger than Fenerbahce, so we were unlucky with the draw. Many people are too stupid to analyze the situation properly. They think that if there is a war in Ukraine, there is no one to play football there. Now you all know how wrong you were.

Dalibor: At Dynamo, the coach is a former player of the club who has worked in the system for a long time and knows the players very well. Many of the players are graduates of their academy or those who were not needed by the stronger Shakhtar. Nominally, the current Dynamo can be considered a weak team, but even such an opponent humiliated Partizan.

Music: We need the fans to break into the stadium during the return leg and throw some objects at Dynamo players. Then we will be awarded a technical defeat, and UEFA will kick us out of the European Cups. This is the only way we have a chance to avoid another disgrace.

Sabit: After such a terrible match, you don't even know what to think now. We can say that Dynamo played at the level of Manchester City or Real Madrid. They simply did not leave us any chance for a good result.

Nedeljko: All the players should be sent to a plant that burns garbage and do what should have been done a long time ago. Instead of this biomass plant, we need to recruit players from the academy who will at least not be lazily walking around the field pretending to practice defense.

Pajor: Today, only Saldanha played for the whole team and scored two goals. I am not ashamed of this player, he did a good job, but the team did not support him. Now Saldanha will be sold and we can close the club altogether. No one else in Partizan knows how to play football.

Ilic: Shaparenko, Pikhalenok, Brazhko are great players, Dynamo's pupils! This is a great example of how you need to take care of your academy and let Serbs play football. This is the only way to revive the former glory of Partizan. "Dynamo was forced to take this step because of the war. But look at their fantastic team. I never thought I'd be praising a Ukrainian club, but they really deserved such a convincing victory.

Dubravka: "Dynamo is a top club, especially at the level of other teams from Eastern Europe. So I realized that we would lose and be relegated. But who could have imagined that the Ukrainians would play so hard and score 6 goals against us? We can only envy their fans. We will not see such a game performed by Partizan soon. And it's sad.

Nenad: After the first match, it was clear to everyone who would play against the Scots in the next round. I realized that Partizan had little chance of success, but I couldn't imagine such a nightmare even in my worst dream.

Paunovic: Dynamo had 11 Ukrainians in the starting lineup. Partizan's starting lineup included three Serbs. Now explain to me whether it is really necessary to buy such bad players? Isn't it possible to find players in Serbia? The Uruguayan coach does not hesitate to follow players even in the amateur league. And in Serbia, everyone lives on kickbacks for transfers, so they are not interested in giving young Serbs a chance.

Deretic: I think that Dynamo will reach the group round without any problems, and there they will qualify for the playoffs. I don't like to praise my opponents, but the Ukrainians deserve praise at least for giving their own players a chance. We used to do the same. That's why Serbian clubs played much better.

Babovic: After Lamin Yamal started humiliating all the opponents at the European Championships, journalists found old photos showing the young Messi bathing five-month-old Yamal in the bathroom. Judging by today's game, Messi took not only Lamin, but all the Dynamo players with him to the bathroom. That's how it all started for us.

Xosanas: The season is ruined for us at the very start. After such a defeat, we no longer have any desire to watch football in general and Partizan's matches in particular. If this club doesn't respect its fans, it's not worth our support.

Grobar: "Dynamo is one of the best clubs in the history of European football. I say this without any jokes. We lost to a very strong opponent. They had a great transfer campaign, signed good players. This is a team with no weaknesses. I have no doubt that they will be very strong in the European competitions this season. But this does not mean that we had the right to lose to them with such a scoreline.

Dmytro Malyanov

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  • Vas51 ° - Наставник
    24.07.2024 18:57
    Останні три євросезони, читав відгуки вболівальників команд з різних країн, які хаяли київське Динамо після матчів...і всі ці відгуки були принизливими та болючими для нвс.

    І ось, читаю негативні відгуки вболівальників Партизана - тільки про свою команду та похвалу про гру нашого Динамо...

    Ви не повірите - але це, як мед... після трьохрічного дьогтя...

    Значить, Шовковський, зі своїм тренерським штабом та гравцями на вірному шляху! І це радує!!!
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