Defender of the Ukrainian Olympic team: "There are no excuses, because such a result is not in the game"

Ilya Krupsky, defender of the Ukrainian Olympic team, commented on the team's poor start at the 2024 Olympics.

Photo: UAF press service

"We played well, but made several mistakes that became key. Of course, there are no excuses, because this result is not in the game. But there are two more matches, two finals ahead. Let's forget this game, it's in the past. Let's not lose heart, there's no point in talking a lot, but we need to go out and produce results," Krupsky said.

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  • Олег Олег - Эксперт
    25.07.2024 17:01
    "По игре - не по игре..." - это лирика, которая годится для рассказов внукам у камина.
    - Деда, а расскажи, как ты просрал Олимпиаду?
    - Ну, садитесь поближе детишечки. Значится, дело было так...
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